SIMPLY THE BEST show - on Friday 28/03

The best of the best hits of all time - to be performed live in the highest quality sound

SIMPLY THE BEST show always creates a festive atmosphere

Friday is a reason to have fun, Music Hall is the epicenter of fun, SIMPLY THE BEST show is the main element of a Party mood
Get ready for a night of pure rock energy!

Tides of Despair will bring raw emotion and heaviness with hits from Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Static-X & more.
Buzzouter will crank up the energy with bangers from Dead Poet Society, The Used, Sum 41 & beyond.

Two bands, one epic night—are you ready to feel the music?
Violins in Rock is a new sound of classical instruments in modern music, we added drums and guitars to this symphonic cocktail Violins in Rock is an exclusive musical performance from the Astoria Violins violin trio and the Music Hall Show musicians.

The program will feature world hits by Metallica, Him, White Stripes and others, as well as classical works by Vivaldi, Mozart and Bach in modern adaptations. Can't do without the epic Storm

Violins in Rock - это новое звучание классических инструментов в современной музыке, мы добавили барабаны и гитары в этот симфонический коктейль

Violins in Rock - это эксклюзивное музыкальное представление от скрипичного трио Astoria Violins и музыкантов Music Hall Show. В программе прозвучат мировые хиты Metallica, Him, White Stripes и др, а также классические произведения Вивальди, Моцарта и Баха в современных отработках. Без эпического Storm- не обойдется
ROXY NATION is a New Generation cover band which brings the fresh sound to Rock Classics and modern Mega-Hits adopting them to the Club's performance and makes the crowd Get High!

The Best Hits from all time will be played LIVE
The Limassol JAZZ Syndicate & George Kalopedis
The Very Best of Classic JAZZ & Swing songs starting from Golden Era 20’s till 70’s will be performed by a 12 piece Big Band JAZZ Syndicate with the participation of renowned jazz singer George Kalopedis in Music Hall at 30/03

The band’s repertoire consists of historical compositions and orchestrations by the pioneers of Big Band Music including Duke Ellington, Frank Sinatra, Count Basie, Buddy Rich, Herbie Hancock, Michael Buble, and many other greats but also more contemporary works.
Mr. Wilson - Reggae Night, FOOL's DAY Party
Mr. Wilson is a music band based in Cyprus that plays a mix of 80s, 90s, and contemporary hits with a reggae-funky twist

They are known for their energetic live performances that create a party atmosphere and attract a diverse crowd. The band members have years of experience in the music industry and have performed at various events and festivals across the country.

Let’s Celebrate the FOOL’s DAY together with Mr Wilson
Встречаем весну с главными альтернативными хитами 2000х от The Holidays и отмечаем день рождения гитариста Ромы!

"The Holidays" – команда, вдохновленная эрой MTV 2000-х (Linkin Park, Gorillaz, Blink-182, Sum41, RHCP, My Chemical Romance, Blur и т.д). Всего за полгода с образования группы, ребята стали хэдлайнерами крупных фестивалей и гостями на радио! Каждый концерт The Holidays играют как последний, будь то стадион или маленький уютный клуб.

Мы будем отрываться как никогда, ведь у гитариста The Holidays, Ромы день рождения и он задумал самую крышесносную вечеринку с кучей сюрпризов! 2 апреля вас ждет крутая весенняя тусовка в духе «Американского Пирога» и того самого MTV!
The Cyprus's finest talent, Symbiosis
— an exciting 4-piece Rock band created by Jay Georghiades that exploded onto the Live Music scene in Paphos in 2010.

With a real passion for everything Rock, their greatest pleasure is to engage with the audience by playing foot stomping Rock Anthems that everybody knows and loves.
Two Face of Darkness in Music Hall
On the southern shores of the island of Cyprus, in April 2024, darkness was born. And the name of that darkness is KA'APER.
Inner Missing is an avant-garde gothic metal duo that originated among the future mysteriousness of Northern Palmyra and moved to the Promised Land.
12 Апреля - День Космонавтики
Приходите в Мюзик Холл отпраздновать полет Гагарина
Самое Звездное Шоу - ВИА «Ы», Муз-кино-Хиты

Любим советские песни из кино в исполнении ВИА «Ы» прозвучат в Мюзик Холле при поддержке Игристого и Оливье Натюрель, для тех кто любит отдохнуть по-нашему
Max Aloisi Trio - A Blues & Psychedelic Rock band with a fusion of Funk, Pop and Jazz music based in Abruzzo Pescara, Italy.

Enjoy this Sunday Night with that Great Guys and their authentic music
The Flowers – большой сольный концерт! 🎤✨
💖 Почувствуй нашу любовь! 💖

Самая нежная группа Кипра приглашает вас на сольный концерт 17 апреля в Music Hall, где вы погрузитесь в атмосферу любимых хитов! Живой звук, приятная энергетика и яркая, чувственная программа – от легкой романтики до зажигательных ритмов и культовых композиций.
Yemaya Son Quinteto is a band formed in 2017 that interprets classic Cuban repertoire, Latin jazz and general Latin music (rumba, son, cha-cha, bolero, bachata, merengue, timba)

Do not miss a fantastic and powerful Latin night CUBA Libre. with five professional musicians, all of them with long experience over stages around the world.
ЮЛИЯ КОГАН - Презентация нового альбома и все любимые хиты!
В этой огненной певице совмещается невероятным образом и голос, и драйв, и красота!
Такой энергии не найти среди эстрадных див — королева, чего тут скажешь!
Искрометные юмористические песни и проникновенные баллады, искренность и натиск которых валит с ног и заставит петь даже заскорузлые сердца.
На концерте прозвучат как собственные песни из нового альбома, так и хиты, созданные в сотрудничестве с группами «Ленинград» и «Король и Шут».
Daria Savina JAZZ band is music that captivates from the first notes.
Daria is a bright jazz-pop singer with rich stage experience, who has performed at the largest venues in Europe. Her style is an elegant combination of jazz, pop and R&B, sounding modern and sophisticated.
Группа «Чёрный Вторник» была образована в мае 2013 г.
Ребята уже успели заполучить любовь и уважение поклонников творчества Юрия Хоя, побывав с концертами во всех крупных городах.
Группа является постоянным участником официальных Фестивалей памяти Юрия Хоя.

Мы уверены, что даже самые требовательные поклонники «Сектора Газа» по достоинству оценят хиты своих легендарных кумиров в исполнении «Чёрного Вторника» -
достойнейшего трибьют-коллектива «Сектора Газа».
2 Мая в Music Hall музыканты представят специальную программу «XXV лет», в которую войдут все лучшие хиты группы.
За свою 25-летнюю историю группа выпустила 12 студийных альбомов и завоевала сердца десятков тысяч слушателей.
Джинсы порезаны, Лето, Три Полоски на кедах - большой сольный концерт культовой рок-группы ANIMAL ДЖАZ в Лимассоле в полном составе!
Группа PLAZMA - ПЕРЕНОС КОНЦЕРТА с 14/02 на 23/05
Все билеты действительны!

«Take My Love», «The Sweetest Surrender», «Lonely», «You’ll Never Meet An Angel» и многие другие будут исполнены в клубе Мюзик Холл 23-го Мая, на самой танцевальной вечеринке Лимассола!
31 травня в Music Hall виступить один із найвідоміших українських артистів, музикант,Бабкін, автор-виконавець – Сергій Бабкін.
На камерному концерті звучатимуть найпопулярніші пісні Бабкіна та гурту 5nizza в акустичному виконанні.

SERHII BABKIN. ACOUSTIC Night at Music Hall Limassol.
One of the most famous Ukrainian artists, musician, actor, singer-songwriter Sergey Babkin, will perform at Music Hall Limassol on May 31.
The chamber concert will feature the most popular songs of Sergey Babkin and the 5’nizza group in an acoustic performance.
Авторский акустический концерт Легендарных Рок-н-Рольщиков Максима ЛЕОНИДОВА и Алексея КОРТНЕВА. «Если б не было тебя», «Что ты имела ввиду», «Генералы песчаных карьеров», "ПРИВЕТ", "ВИДЕНИЕ", "Не Дай Ему Уйти", "Ленинградский Рок-н-Ролл" - эти и другие знаменитые песни, ставшие неотъемлемой частью российской песенной культуры прозвучат на сцене Мюзик Холла, также как и совсем новые песни Алексея Кортнева и Максима Леонидова.
Ольга Греко – певица, исполняющая французский шансон , обладает необычайным шармом , женственностью и бархатным тембром голоса

На концерте «О любви на французском» вы услышите авторские песни и композиции культовых французских исполнителей . Сила Эдит Пиаф…, Нежность Джейн Биркин …, провокация Сержа Генсбура…, энергия Патрисии Каас …, загадочность Милен Фармер

Olga Greco is a singer performing French chanson, possessing extraordinary charm, femininity and a velvety timbre of voice.
At the concert "About love in French" you will hear original songs and compositions of iconic French performers. The power of Edith Piaf ..., the tenderness of Jane Birkin ..., the provocation of Serge Gainsbourg ..., the energy of Patricia Kaas ..., the mystery of Mylene Farmer
Дмитрий Спирин (ТАРАКАНЫ) отправляется в тур с сольным проектом! 4 июля, Лимассол

Война, эмиграция, переезд в Аргентину – ещё несколько лет назад это казалось концом большого творческого пути. Но однажды песни снова начали рождаться, а значит, пришло время выйти на сцену. Теперь это НАЧАЛО!
Дмитрий Спирин возвращается к концертной деятельности и впервые представит сольный проект DMITRY SPIRIN в электричестве летом 2025 года.
The Story of Success

Don't miss the renowned Latin jazz band's performance on Thursday 6th of March conveying the energy, enthusiasm and passion of Latin-Cuban music
The band was formed in Cyprus by percussionist Constantinos Paouros and musicians from Cuba, Colombia and Cyprus.
Their music is based on Latin jazz music genres such as son Cubano, salsa, timba and cha-cha-cha

FUNKY GRANNIES - was occasionally cancelled
George Kalopedis & JAZZ Syndicate
The Very Best of Classic JAZZ & Swing songs starting from Golden Era 20’s till 70’s will be performed by the big band JAZZ Syndicate with George Kalopedis in Music Hall at 26/01
THE GOODFELLAS are a Cyprus-based band formed by time-tested professionals of the scene, George Kalopedis and Emmanuel Vourakis, joined by Marios Michael on bass and Omiros Miltiadous on drums. They offer an all-around Blues, Soul, Rock n Roll, Funk & Roots music experience to all aficionados and enthusiasts of the genres.

Their electrified performances leave audiences yearning for more with a setlist infused by songs from legends including Albert King, B.B. King, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Chuck Berry, Freddie King, Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Albert Collins, John Mayall, Nina Simone, Etta James, Ray Charles, Elvis Presley & many more.
Dru Chapman has two decades of performing at top venues, his velvety smooth and soulful voice has captivated audiences across the globe.

Dru prides himself on his high quality performance and delivers his own unique brand of soul to some of the best songs ever written.

Delivering astonishing performances of all Your Favorite Motown, Soul And R&B Hits like Lionel Ritchie, Kool & The Gang, Robbie Williams, Barry White, Elton John, Stevie Wonder & many others, DRU will make your night special in Music Hall

THE GOODFELLAS are a Cyprus-based band formed by time-tested professionals of the scene, George Kalopedis and Emmanuel Vourakis, joined by Marios Michael on bass and Omiros Miltiadous on drums. They offer an all-around Blues, Soul, Rock n Roll, Funk & Roots music experience to all aficionados and enthusiasts of the genres.

Their electrified performances leave audiences yearning for more with a setlist infused by songs from legends including Albert King, B.B. King, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Chuck Berry, Freddie King, Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Albert Collins, John Mayall, Nina Simone, Etta James, Ray Charles, Elvis Presley & many more.

Акустический концерт Легендарных Рок-н-Рольщиков Максима ЛЕОНИДОВА и Алексея КОРТНЕВА.
«Если б не было тебя», «Что ты имела ввиду», «Генералы песчаных карьеров», "ПРИВЕТ", "ВИДЕНИЕ", "Не Дай Ему Уйти", "Мажорный Рок-н-Ролл" - эти и другие знаменитые песни, ставшие неотъемлемой частью российской песенной культуры прозвучат на сцене клуба Опус, также как и совсем новые песни Алексея Кортнева и Максима Леонидова.
Сольный вечер блестящего актера, народного артиста Александра Филиппенко - это исцеление души зрителя, открытие в ней гармонии, утраченной за серыми буднями. Не только потому, что Филиппенко - любимец публики и непревзойденный чтец. Главная причина в том, что в его исполнении строки Есенина, Пастернака, Окуджавы, Зощенко звучат по-новому, очень современно - и своевременно.

Приходите 22 мая в Театр Паттихио на моноспектакль «Попытка утешения». Народный артист Александр Филиппенко будет читать любимых авторов, со своими фирменными интонациями, с узнаваемой авторской мимикой, с тонко подмеченными нюансами произведений.

Простые русские писатели, они же публицисты, журналисты и аналитики Юлия Латынина и Станислав Белковский 14 мая 2024 года выступят перед Вами с программой

IV мировая война. Всё будет хорошо.

Разговор будет вот о чём:

- Что такое и почему IV мировая?

- 2024й – год безумия / кульминационный год мировой войны.

- Что будет с войной в Украине и самой Украиной.

- Кто победит на выборах президента США и что за этим последует.

- Сколько ещё Путин будет во власти и во что превратится РФ в 2024 году.

- Судьба Израиля – после войны и вообще.

- Ядерная угроза: РФ; КНДР; Иран.

- Будет ли война за Тайвань и случится ли по этому поводу всемирная катастрофа.

- Какое это всё отношение имеет к Кипру.

- А будет ли в конечном счёте всё хорошо? (спойлер: будет).

Латынина и Белковский ответят на многие Ваши вопросы и вообще развлекут нипадеццки. Фантастический отжиг гарантирован.

HOOVERPHONIC is a Belgian pop and rock band formed in Flanders in 1995. At the beginning of their activity, the music of this group was classified as trip-hop, but quite quickly the group began to play in different genres. Currently, the group's work is often classified as the lounge genre. The first single, “2Wicky,” serendipitously became the title theme for the soundtrack to Bernardo Bertolucci’s film Stealing Beauty (1996). Representatives of Belgium at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021.
The upcoming Hooverphonic album promises to be danceable and infectious, filled to the brim with floorfillers taking more than one cue from the nineties. Which makes perfect sense, because Hooverphonic is inextricably connected and linked to said era.
Lindy-Fay Hella (WARDRUNA) & Dei Farne
Lindy-Fay Hella is a Norwegian singer, musician and composer, known as a member of Wardruna and Lindy-Fay Hella & Dei Farne. She played electronic music before becoming a founding member of Wardruna, which plays eclectic music influenced by runes. Her singing features prominently in Wardruna's Runaljod album trilogy. Hella released a electronic pop solo album in 2019. She released her second solo album in 2021 under the name Lindy-Fay Hella & Dei Farne.



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Changes to our Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on this page so that we can keep you informed about how we process your personal data. We recommend that you consult this page frequently so that you are aware of our latest Privacy Policy and can update your preferences if necessary. Your continued use of our Services shall constitute your acceptance of any revised Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on 24 May 2022.
LMZ Tickets (owned by LMZ Live Music Zone, Ltd) is committed to making sure your data is kept safe and in accordance with GDPR. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

Secured Transactions
LMZ has built on its website the most advanced and effective security systems related to payment transactions and personal data of users, and ensures the continuous availability of these services .

In particular, the technologies used by the online system of LMZ include :

1. Technology SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for safe transport of data into the information system .
2. The use of structured and specialized security (Firewall), for the protection of stored data on the website of LMZ.
3. The use of advanced technologies for technological excellence and availability of website.

All the transactions made ​​through are governed by international and European law , which regulates issues relating to e-commerce as well as the Law on Consumer Protection (N. 2251/1994) , which regulates issues relating to distance selling.

Online Payments
Online Tickets can be bought only by using a credit/debit card.
Accepted cards are VISA, MASTERCARD. After the charge of your credit card the transaction ,cannot be cancelled nor can you CHANGE the ticket purchased .

If a Service Fee and a Transaction Fee are added to the face value of the ticket they are stated clearly before checkout. The Service Fee and the Transaction Fee paid at the time of purchase, are in no case refundable.

Upon completion of your purchase the command "Print your Tickets" appears and by pressing it, your tickets are printed or you can save them in your smartphone. Your tickets remain stored into your account . Click on the "My Tickets" Button and you can print your tickets one by one by clicking on the printer icon on the left. Alternatively you can save your tickets on your mobile device. Upon the completion of your payment, your tickets are also sent to your account email address.

By purchasing tickets through the LMZ tickets platform you agree with the Online Purchasing Terms

Ticket Purchasing Terms
The Website has been developed and operated by ADVERTEX ADVERTISING RESEARCHES AND CONSULTANCIES LTD operating under the name ADVERTEX, to provide users with the opportunity to collect information about events, cultural events, concerts, theatrical performances, sports events, etc., to check the availability of tickets and purchase them.
The Website acts solely as an intermediary for the sale of tickets for various events etc. provided by LMZ Live Music Zone and third party providers and according to the terms and conditions that they, that is to say, the Third Party Providers, form and disclose to the users.
The following terms are intended to help you understand the process of buying tickets from your obligations and your rights towards ADVERTEX ADVERTISING RESEARCHES AND CONSULTANCIES LTD.
1. A ticket purchase from ADVERTEX is made either online or at a physical authorized ticketbox location through the use of VISA & MASTERCARD credit cards via the secure Stripe system or any other gateway system cooperating with ADVERTEX. If a Service Fee and Transaction Fee per ticket are added to the face value of each ticket they are clearly stated before the completion of each transaction, and they are in no case refundable to the purchaser of the ticket.
2. The check for the correctness of the information on the ticket is the responsibility of the buyer who must inform ADVERTEX in early time before the event for what is not correctly displayed.
3. Each ticket bears a unique barcode. If not, the ticket purchaser is responsible for communicating with ADVERTEX to replace it. Tickets without a Barcode are not allowed to enter the event.
4. Each ticket must be presented at the entrance of the venue, at the date of the event for which it was purchased.
5. The ticket purchase gives you the right to attend the event only if the conditions of the ADVERTEX, the theatre or venue and the organizer are accepted and respected.
6. The ticket holder has the right only to enter at the place of value corresponding to the ticket purchased.
7. Student, discounted or other special tickets are valid only by showing the necessary supporting documents.
8. Beneficiaries of reduced tickets are, as the organizer/producer determines each time.
9. The ticket is not refunded and is not exchanged and issued subject to the regulations of the ADVERTEX, venue and the organizer of the event. Full details are available on request.
10. Upon start of the event, seat numbering does not apply and the Venue and/or the organizer reserves the right to deny entry.
11. The Producer/Organizer reserves the right to make any changes to the availability of seats and may change the ticket prices during any given time throughout the ticket sales.
12. The Producer/Organizer reserves the right to make any of the sold seats unavailable for any reason and inform the clients of this change by offering same value seats to the client or the option for a refund.
13. If the show/event is postponed due to extreme weather or force majeure or any other reason beyond the control of the Producer/Organizer including restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the Government on proceeding with the organization of the event as originally planned, an announcement will be made by the Producer/Organizer to reschedule the show/event at the same venue or at a different venue on a new date and all tickets purchased will be honored and valid for the new date. Ticket holders are not entitled to a refund unless specifically authorized by the Producer/Organizer. In case the Producer/Organizer grants permission for such refunds (otherwise refunds are not allowed), then only the face-value of each ticket is returned to the ticket holder and not the Service Fees and Transaction Fees paid at the time of ticket purchase and represent the ticket sales service completed and provided by the ticketing company ADVERTEX upon completion of the transaction. In no case is ADVERTEX responsible for the postponement and change of performance of the show/event and it carries out exclusively the instructions of the respective producer/organizer.
14. If the show/event is canceled permanently, due to extreme weather events or force majeure or any other reason that is either subject to the Producer/Organizer or any reason beyond the control of the Producer/Organizer, including restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the Government for the performance of the event as originally planned, ADVERTEX acts according to the instructions of the respective Producer/Organizer and informs the ticket holders explaining their options. Depending on the instructions of the respective Producer/Organizer, ADVERTEX (a) either refunds the face- value of the tickets to the buyer's credit card within a period to be announced, (b) or refers the ticket holders by notice to receive their refund ticket face-value from the Producer/Organizer directly, (c) or announces another alternative way of compensation based on the instructions of the Producer/Organizer. The final responsibility for the refund in case of cancellation of the show/event lies with the Producer/Organizer and the refund procedure depends on the timing of cancellation and financial status pertaining the cooperation between ADVERTEX and the respective Producer/Organizer. In no case are the Service Fees and Transaction Fees that were paid at the time of ticket purchase refunded, as they represent the ticket sale-service that is completed and provided by the ticket company ADVERTEX upon completion of each stransaction. ADVERTEX is an intermediary between the Producer/Organizer and the ticket buyer and in no case is ADVERTEX responsible for refunds that based on the cooperation, should by responsibility be returned to the ticket holders by the Producer/Organizer who was solely responsible for the delivery of the final product (show/event) to the consumer. It is understood that ADVERTEX operates in good faith and with a view to serving both the Producers/Organizers and the ticket buyers/holders.
15. It is strictly forbidden to use the ticket for advertising or commercial purposes unless a written agreement is in effect with the producer.
16. It is forbidden to enter the venue by the influence of alcohol or other substances.
17. The transfer and possession of glass bottles, beverage cans, weapons, flammable materials, and other sharp and dangerous objects are expressly prohibited. No backpacks are allowed when entering a Concert.
18. It is forbidden to video record, photographing and audio record a part or the whole of the show / event by any means (such as mobile phone, camera, camcorders, etc.) and for any purpose.
19. Ushers and security staff are in the venue/event area for the purpose of service and safety of the public, as well as the smooth conduct of the show/event. The public has to comply with the instructions of ushers and security staff.
20. By purchasing this ticket, the holder agrees and accepts unreservedly the possibility of his appearance on any video or video recording of part or all of the performance/event on the part of the producer.
21. The ticket owner expressly states that any appearance on the recorder's or video recording by the producer does not affect his personality or any other right and hence has no claim against the producer or the organizing company.
22. Ushers and security staff have the right to remove any viewers causing obstacle to the smooth development of the spectacle and / or the right of the other spectators to watch the show/event.
23. All claims are the sole responsibility of the organizer and to the extent permitted by law.
24. In the event of any issues or disagreements arising through the purchase procedure of tickets, we will always strive to find a solution in the interest of our customers. Our Customer Service Team is happy to help you with advice and assistance. You can reach us via email at or use our website contact form to inform us about your concerns.
The European Commission also provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) which can be accessed at
25. ADVERTEX is an independent company providing ticketing services for organizers/producers and event venues and acts exclusively as an intermediary between the organizer/producer and buyer of the tickets. The company does not take any responsibility for incidents related to events for which tickets are sold or purchased and reserves the right to revise the above terms.
26.By buying the ticket the buyer accepts all the above terms.
For any questions, please contact us via email at or my mail ADVERTEX ADVERTISING RESEARCHES AND CONSULTANCIES, P.O.BOX 624937, Dubai, UAE
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License No: 1054701
Address: P.O.BOX 624937, Dubai, UAE
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